Online yoga, connect to feeling

Amidst the chaos of the outside world, it is more important than ever to find your inner peace. To connect with yourself, your higher self. That part of you that trusts that this too shall pass, and knows that in healing ourselves, we are healing our planet.

As we stop to listen, to feel deeply, we are being forced to confront our fears. Our individual wounds and imbalances are being highlighted. It is our responsibility to notice what these are for us – acknowledging that everyone’s will be different – and then to address them. This is where our power lies, and where we can have the most significant impact on universal consciousness.

What feelings and trapped emotions are surfacing for you? Can you finally let yourself process, rather than suppress them?

Feelings are a message for us to listen to and respond to, and when they are allowed to exist and be heard and understood, they create change for the better, keeping us on the path to fulfillment and joy. Judging them as good or bad prevents them from being able to do their job” Catherine Neal, Healthy Matrix.

As someone who had perfected the art of suppressing feelings, I can see now how important my yoga practice is for providing with the space and means to let emotions flow. This last couple of weeks I have spent a lot of time on the mat, at the beginning I was moving slowly, needing to find comfort, feel supported. Then I discovered more energy, able to face my fears, try new poses, in doing so am getting to know my body, and myself, better. I feel more balanced, more open, much stronger – and most of the time, peaceful.

Whether you’re discovering yoga for the first time, or delving deeper into your advanced practice. Id love you to check out and Subscribe to my You Tube channel where you can join me whenever you need to for beautiful yoga and meditation classes for free.

In addition to this, here are some of the online teachers, live classes and yoga websites that have helped me to adapt to this ‘on retreat at home’ lifestyle.

Yoga With Adriene. Free online You Tube videos. Suitable for beginners, intermediate and advanced.

Mellulah Yoga.  Offering Live classes via Zoom. Saira Francis is a UK-based teacher. Having attended several of her classes and transformative retreats in Dorset, am a big fan. Saira’s style is gentle, grounding and supportive. She adapts her classes to the energy of the group. It’s like joining a friendly, rural community class. Suitable for beginners, intermediate and advanced.

Deepak Chopra & Oprah Winfrey. Free 21-day meditation series. 15-20 mins audio meditations. Beautiful and simple way to stay calm and connected.

Insight Timer. Free meditation and yoga app. A favourite teacher is Sarah Blondin, check out her 10-15 mins guided meditations.

From my home to your heart. So much love.


That feeling; vulnerability


What makes you feel normal