What makes you feel normal

I have been really drawing on my toolbox this week. 

Meditation, yoga, herbal teas, wine, inpromptu chats with family & friends, sketching elephants, sea swimming, playing with children. Simple things that help me feel that life is flowing, with a sense of normality, at a time when my mind can quickly turn the world into total chaos! 

I am creating space. To listen to what I am saying to myself, and others. I hear people and myself saying...'I want to life to go back to normal', 'I just want this to be over,' 'They just need to find a vaccine'.

I read a viral social media message that finishes with, 'How dare you think you know more than the experts?' 

I am not an expert on viruses. I am grateful to the medical staff, scientists and virus experts for their dedication, expertise, care and in-depth research. As they care for our communities and pull together unprecedented facts & figures on the virus. Truly grateful. 

But I also believe that it is important for us to remember that on some level we do know more than the experts - on an individual level.

I constantly have to remind myself that this current way of living flows best when I slow down. It is offering space and time to recalibrate and enjoy being home. To go inward. At the same time I am aware of the need to stay connected to those around me, and be in touch with friends & family around the world.

I am once again, tipping the scales and in doing so, learning to find balance.

We each have our own inner guidance. Our thoughts, our words, our actions are powerful. We are individually contributing to manifesting a new world. A world where we allow our hearts to guide us, to do what feels right in every given moment.

This takes practice, patience and compassion, we are not going to get it right first time. We are used to making decisions based on fear. Giving away our power.

How about we use our power? How about we use our thoughts, our words, our actions to create a more balanced world. 

Because ultimately, no-one knows what the future holds. Not even the experts.

As I am writing this, I realise that right now, in this moment, my life has a sense of normality. I followed my heart and did what felt right in the moment. When I am fully in the present moment, I am in the flow, and when life is flowing, I am balanced. And this is reflected back to me by the outside world....if we are all doing that...do you see what I mean? 

So, can I ask you, what have you been doing over the last few months that brings you into the flow state? Can you think back to any times when you have felt a sense of normality? Can you make space for more of that, trusting that this what is needed from all of us right now? To live authentically, in the present moment, and allow your heart to guide you. Can you have faith that you are exactly where you are meant to be? 

I am excited to see what our collective future looks like.


Online yoga, connect to feeling